Analysis of dental treatment provided under general anesthesia in patients with special needs
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online);
39(3)maio-jun. 2010. tab.
Objetivo: A proposta deste
estudo foi avaliar o tratamento odontológico de pacientes com
necessidades especiais sob anestesia geral. Material e método: Foram
selecionados prontuários de pacientes assistidos no período de 2006 a
2007, cujos tratamentos foram realizados em centro cirúrgico e
registrados os seguintes dados: gênero, idade, condição médica do
paciente, risco anestésico (classificação conforme American Society of
Anesthesiology- ASA) e os procedimentos odontológicos. Foram analisados
144 prontuários, entretanto 25 foram excluídos, totalizando 119.
Resultado: Em relação ao gênero, observou-se que 56,30% eram do gênero
masculino e 43,70% do feminino. Quanto à idade, houve maior prevalência
de pacientes na faixa etária de 21 a 30 anos (30,25%). A paralisia
cerebral (48,74%) e deficiência mental (25,21%) foram as condições
médicas mais frequentes, seguidas das síndromes (10,09%), autismo
(4,20%) e transtornos psiquiátricos (3,36%). A maioria dos pacientes
(98,32%) foi classificada como ASA II. Nos 119 prontuários constatou-se
que: em 92 pacientes (77,31%) foram realizadas 501 restaurações; em 89
(74,79%) 602 extrações; em 69 (57,83%) raspagem supra / subgengival; em
37 (31,09%) 100 selantes de fossas e fissuras; em 2 (1,68%) 4
pulpotomias; em 1 (0,84%) 1 pulpectomia, e em 1 (0,84%) gengivectomia.
As consultas de revisão para manutenção preventiva foram realizadas
principalmente em ambulatório (83,10%). Conclusão: Os resultados
mostraram que há uma grande demanda de tratamento cirúrgico-restaurador
nos pacientes especiais evidenciando a necessidade de uma prática
baseada em promoção de saúde bucal.(AU)
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dental treatment of patients with special needs under general anesthesia. Material and method: Dental records of patients whose treatments had been performed in surgical center between 2006 and 2007 were selected, and the following data were registered: gender, age, medical conditions, anesthetic risk (classification of the American Society of Anesthesiology -ASA) and dental procedures. 144 dental records were analyzed, but 25 were excluded, totalizing 119. Result: Concerning to the gender, it was noticed that 56.30% were male and 43.70% female. Related to the age, it was observed a higher prevalence of patients of 21 to 30 years old (30.25%). The cerebral palsy (48.74%) and developmental disability (25.21%) were the most frequent medical conditions, followed by the syndromes (10.09%), autism spectrum disorders (4.20%) and psychiatric illness (3.36%). The majority of the patients (98.32%) was classified as ASA II. In the 119 dental records it was noticed that: in 92 patients (77.31%) 501 dental restorations were performed; in 89 (74.79%) 602 dental extractions; in 69 (57.83%) supra/subgingival scalling; in 37 (31.09%) 100 pit and fissure sealants; in 2 (1.68%) 4 pulpotomies; in 1 (0.84%) 1 pulpectomy and in 1 (0.84%) gengivectomy. The follow up appointments were carried out mainly in an ambulatory setting (83.10%). Conclusion: The results showed that there is a great demand for surgical and restorative treatment for patients with special needs, thus evidencing the need of a practice based on oral health promotion.(AU)
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dental treatment of patients with special needs under general anesthesia. Material and method: Dental records of patients whose treatments had been performed in surgical center between 2006 and 2007 were selected, and the following data were registered: gender, age, medical conditions, anesthetic risk (classification of the American Society of Anesthesiology -ASA) and dental procedures. 144 dental records were analyzed, but 25 were excluded, totalizing 119. Result: Concerning to the gender, it was noticed that 56.30% were male and 43.70% female. Related to the age, it was observed a higher prevalence of patients of 21 to 30 years old (30.25%). The cerebral palsy (48.74%) and developmental disability (25.21%) were the most frequent medical conditions, followed by the syndromes (10.09%), autism spectrum disorders (4.20%) and psychiatric illness (3.36%). The majority of the patients (98.32%) was classified as ASA II. In the 119 dental records it was noticed that: in 92 patients (77.31%) 501 dental restorations were performed; in 89 (74.79%) 602 dental extractions; in 69 (57.83%) supra/subgingival scalling; in 37 (31.09%) 100 pit and fissure sealants; in 2 (1.68%) 4 pulpotomies; in 1 (0.84%) 1 pulpectomy and in 1 (0.84%) gengivectomy. The follow up appointments were carried out mainly in an ambulatory setting (83.10%). Conclusion: The results showed that there is a great demand for surgical and restorative treatment for patients with special needs, thus evidencing the need of a practice based on oral health promotion.(AU)
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